

January brought a birthday celebration for two inductees to the “100-year Club” — Montgomery Place residents Irma Sweet and Christine Buchanan

ABC7 – January brought a birthday celebration for two inductees to the “100-year Club” — Montgomery Place residents Irma Sweet and Christine Buchanan.

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Montgomery Place centenarian Irma Sweet comments on living long and appreciating each day.

NBC5 – Montgomery Place centenarian Irma Sweet comments on living long and appreciating each day.

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On Veterans Day, Hyde Park kids salute Montgomery Place neighbors who served in the armed forces.

WGN9 – On Veterans Day, Hyde Park kids salute Montgomery Place neighbors who served in the armed forces.

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Bill Barron continues to hand-craft wooden toys for the children of Montgomery Place staff

CBS2 – At 92, Bill Barron continues to hand-craft wooden toys for the children of Montgomery Place staff.

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