May 31, 2024 |

Tracking Fitness for Seniors

seniors tracking their fitness

As we become older, staying active becomes even more important for maintaining independence and good health. A fitness tracker can help seniors stay motivated to keep moving in order to boost their well-being.

Montgomery Place: Senior Living Community in Chicago is here to help you look at the benefits related to seniors tracking their fitness, along with a few suggestions for exercise.

Why Fitness Tracking Matters

Physical activity and regular exercise offers:

  • Increased energy levels

  • Reduced joint pain

  • Better quality of sleep

  • Increased brain health and cognitive function

  • Stronger bones and muscles

  • Reduced risk of chronic disease

  • Improved mood, mental health, and quality of life

By tracking fitness daily, seniors can ensure that they are getting the correct amount of activity based on age, fitness level, and goals. A fitness tracker can be a powerful tool for helping seniors stay active and independent.

Fitness trackers not only measure exercise frequency and intensity, but they can also track steps, sleep, and heart rate. They play a substantial role in helping seniors age well by providing:

Personal Accountability

Personal fitness trackers monitor levels of progress based on preset goals or on what happened yesterday. Using notifications, they encourage users to move more than they did previously, walk another mile, or increase their calorie goals. Increasing fitness goals gradually can help seniors stay healthy and remain independent longer.

Goal Setting

No matter how basic or advanced personal fitness goals are, fitness trackers will meet seniors where they are. This aids in individually tailoring goals and monitoring success for the best results.

Sleep Monitoring

Adequate sleep is an important part of fitness, playing a crucial role in physical and mental health. Fitness trackers not only monitor when you fall asleep and when you wake up during the night, they let you know the amount of time spent in deep sleep. By gently reminding you to go to bed or waking you up, they give consistency to the sleep routine.


Most fitness trackers have a group dynamic where they let owners of the same brand of tracker compete against each other for the number of steps or time spent exercising. They help seniors stick to their fitness routines by letting them know someone is watching and encouraging competition.

Improved Heart Health

Fitness trackers provide information and give seniors an indication of their activity levels. Setting daily exercise levels is a great motivator to get out and move for better heart health.

Tips for Using Your Fitness Tracker

A quality fitness tracker doesn't have to cost much money. Once a good match is found, the following tips can aid in achieving health and wellness goals.

  1. Set realistic goals. While most trackers recommend 10,000 steps daily, that number is only ideal for some. Set your own goals based on where you are currently, and increase it as you can.

  2. Be consistent. For best results, a tracker should be worn every day. Set aside time when sedentary to charge it.

  3. Socialize with other trackers. When friends and family members who have trackers set goals together, it creates a healthy spirit of competition and makes getting enough exercise fun.

  4. Share successes. It's a good idea to check progress daily and share numbers with family members and health professionals. This serves as a visual reminder of how far you've come.

Your fitness tracker is an important part of your healthy lifestyle.

Ways to Stay Healthy

The best exercises for seniors promote specific aspects of well-being. Strength training, like bodyweight exercises and functional fitness routines such as calf raises, wall pushups, and small repetitive movements, help to improve balance.

Low-impact activities such as swimming, yoga, or cycling build the body and the bones without the risk of injury or joint pain. Water aerobics, swimming, and short walks are low-impact ways to improve cardiovascular health. Mobility exercises like neck stretches, shoulder rolls, knee extensions, and ankle rolls can help with retaining flexibility and agility to make everyday tasks more enjoyable and manageable.

Stay Healthy in Independent Living

To stay healthy in independent living in Chicago, Illinois, consider assisted living at Montgomery Place: Senior Living Community in Chicago. We offer several levels of care options to meet your or your loved one's needs.

Contact us today to schedule a tour.

Featured Image: Tint Media / Shutterstock

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